International Translation Day 2022 Theme.

Hello Everyone My Name is Vivek Chaturvedi. I am writing a vlog about International Translation Day 2022.

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International Translation Day 2022: It is observed on 30 September every year to raise awareness about the translation profession and to pay tribute to the work of language professionals. It helps in promoting cultural heritage and mutual respect in our changing world. Let us read more about International Translation Day, theme of 2021, history and significance.

According to the UN, International Translation Day plays an important role in bringing nations together, contributing to the development, and strengthening world peace and security. This day provides a great opportunity to spotlight the important work of translators, interpreters, and others in the language service industry. 

International Translation Day 2022: Theme

The theme for International Translation day 2022 is "A World without Barriers."

International Translation Day 2021 theme is “Translation and Indigenous Languages”. By focusing on the indigenous languages, the day reduces the danger of language disappearing.

The theme of International Translation Day 2020  is "Finding the words for a world in crisis”. The theme focuses on the importance of work to ensure that clear information reaches everyone and overcome language barriers both globally and locally.

The theme of International Translation Day 2019 was "Translation and Indigenous Languages". It focuses on the indigenous languages that are in danger of disappearing. As it is important to preserve and protect the languages of millions of indigenous people around the world. Languages for indigenous people are an integral part of their culture. And it is said that when a community loses its language, it is on the way to lose its culture too.

The theme of International Translation Day (ITD) 2018 was “Translation: Promoting Cultural Heritage in Changing Times”. This theme is selected by the FIT council. It plays an important role in bringing nations together, facilitating dialogue, understanding and cooperation, contributing to the development and strengthening world peace and security.

International Translation Day: History

Do you know that International Translation Day is a recent entry into the calendar of world events? It is established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT). Celebrating this day annually is to pay tribute to the work of translators and the interpreters who break down the language barriers to make the world a slightly smaller place. This day is celebrated with a series of events, seminars, and symposiums across the world.

On 24 May 2017, the General Assembly adopted a resolution 71/288 to proclaim 30 September as International Translation Day after considering the role of professionals in connecting nations and fostering peace, understanding, and development.

30 September was chosen because this date celebrates the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint of translators. These celebrations have been promoted by FIT (the International Federation of Translators) which was set up in 1953. Even in 1991 FIT launched the idea of an officially recognised International Translation Day to show the solidarity of the worldwide translation community and also to promote the translation profession in several countries.

International Translation Day: Significance

Let us tell you that the translator and interpreter are two professions dedicated to one goal that is facilitating communication between people. Both interpreters and translators are at the junction point that impacts the development of business, science, medicine, technology, international law, politics, and a host of other areas. This will provide the ability for each of these in the world to learn from each other to the benefit of society as a whole.

According to UNESCO, cultural heritage as mentioned in this year’s theme does not end with "monuments and collections of objects". It includes intangible cultural heritage such as knowledge, beliefs, and practices concerning people, nature, and our relationships with the universe. This not only helps in intercultural participation but also encourages mutual respect for other ways of life.

Therefore, International Translation Day highlights the role of translation to encourage the profession which helps in promoting an understanding of the intangible cultural heritage and mutual respect in our changing world.

Interesting facts about International Translation Day 

1: Patron Saint of Translation

St. Jerome translated the bible into Latin, which took 23 years from his lifetime. He was quite proficient in Greek and Latin, so when he moved to Jerusalem, he also learned all he could about Hebrew and translated the bible into Hebrew as well.

However, he did make one mistake in his Hebrew translation. This monumental error led to several images of Moses showing with horns (radiance word was pronounced wrongfully).

2: Man Paralyzed Because of One Translation.

The Cuban-American baseball star, Willie Ramirez was rushed to the hospital when he underwent severe headaches. He slipped in and out of consciousness, believed to have food poisoning. Unfortunately because of one mistranslation of a Cuban Spanish term, intoxicado as intoxicated, he was treated for a drug overdose. This led to severe consequences of a brain hemorrhage, caused him paralysis. Hospital had to settle over a $71 million lawsuit. 

3: Jehovah’s Witness Website

Bible is one of the most translated books said to be available in 500+ languages. But guess what? The Jehovah’s Witness Website is translated in more languages than the bible itself. Let's say the website is translated in 600 plus languages that include Congolese sign language and other several dialects of Swahili and Thai too. Even harry potter couldn’t compete with the number of translation either as it was translated in 70 languages only.

4: Google Translate and Mystery Novels

Machine translation is not as new as some might think. It begins back in the 1940s during the world war. Currently, Google Translate is the most common machine translation, which often results in a silly version of the translation. A lack of accuracy in translation is often frustrating as machines are unable to detect cultural references and slangs.

The software used for machine translation reads a large amount of translated materials and finds the patterns. Usually, it includes UN and EU documents but also a large number of mystery novels too. Interesting, right?

5: Google and Mystery are Fond of Each Other.

The French science fiction pioneer Jules Verne, Agatha Christie is well known translated authors of their time. Do you remember the English writer who wrote Poirot and Miss Marple? These are the most translated books you will find even online.

Besides these, even the great author William Shakespeare’s work has also been revived in various other languages.

6: German for UNESCO’s Database Book

UNESCO is a worldwide platform. Its Index Translatorium Book translation database is mostly translated into one popular language. Therefore, if you ask about the target language of UNESCO'S translation database, it is German (target language), followed by French, Japanese, Spanish, and English (source language).

Although English is the lingua franca, French, German, Russian, and Italian are its predecessors in the language world.

7: Translation Industry Keeps Growing

Globalization converted the world into a global village.  According to the recent estimate, the translation industry is said to be at least $40 billion in worth!

Imagine a total of 330,000 translators are working from various corners of the world, translating, interpreting, and localizing the content for various business setups. Now brands have more windows of opportunity for them than ever which has led to the predicted growth of $45 billion for 2020!

8: President Translated Shakespeare into Swahili.

Swahili, a Bantu language, is the native tongue of Tanzania, spoken by 98 million people. The first president of Tanzania, Julius Nyerere, translated the works of Shakespeare into Swahili. Similarly, there are many other writers like Javier Marias, Haruki Murakami, and Vladimir Nabokov, who translated English works in their languages.

Let's say that Shakespeare and his acclaimed work is well credited around the world among other famous authors.

9: As Old as a Thousand Years Did you know that the first known translation took place back in 2100 BC?

The Sumerian epic The Epic of Gilgamesh is said to be the first translation that was ever done. The manuscript is as old as 195,000 years. It shows signs of interpretation and translation long before the printing machine was even invented.

10: Panic about Nuclear War The ironic thing about mistranslation is that it can cause a riot within a second. In 1956 when Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev told the western dignitaries "we will bury you" it led to the mistranslated context that meant he meant to destroy the West.

This heightened the already existing tension during the Cold War. Although Khrushchev all but made a Marxist reference. It was a simple case of a failed interpretation.

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